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How to Improve Your Singing Voice

Learning how to improve your singing voice is something that anyone can do with a bit of time and practice.

Singing comes natural for some people, yet others seem to struggle to carry a tune.

For those who sing well, though, maintaining a good singing voice doesn’t happen without practice.

Excellent singers and those who perform must continue to practice their methods to maintain a good singing voice, or their performance suffers.

Even among those who want to enhance their skills just a little bit, practice with a few singing techniques is essential.

There are several methods that can be done to improve your singing voice:

  1. Monitor your breathing techniques while singing
  2. Relax the body and maintain your posture
  3. Monitor your diet and fluid intake
  4. Practice singing
  5. Work with a vocal coach or take singing lessons

How to Make Your Singing Voice Better

Understanding how to make your singing voice better required that you pay attention to subtle details about your nutrition, health and that you follow a set of best practices.

 The following is a collection of tips to help make your singing voice better.

Breathing Techniques

Whether you’re already a vocal performer or if you can’t carry a tune to save your life, all singers need to focus on their breathing while singing. Improve your singing voice by monitoring how you breathe.

The breathing muscles used for singing are centered on the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm, the large muscle between the lungs and the stomach which controls breathing.

In other words, breathing while singing does not come straight from the lungs or the larynx, as is usually assumed.

Take a deep breath and allow your abdominal muscles to push the air out. This is how to make sound while singing.

Monitor this by placing one hand on your stomach. If you breathe in and your stomach expands, you are using these muscles in the right way for singing.

Then, while exhaling, try singing using the muscles of the abdomen.

Utilizing these muscles, instead of those in the shoulders, controls the notes better while you sing, giving more depth and power behind your performance.

Relax the Muscles

Relaxing the body is another key method for improving your singing voice. When tension builds in the body, it affects the use of abdominal muscles, as well as the muscles of the face and mouth.

The soft palate, the area in the mouth composed of the soft part of the back of the mouth, controls air flow while singing. When this area is not relaxed, singing sounds nasaly or winded, because the air exiting the body is uncontrolled. This air is likely to be coming out of our nose.

Relaxing these muscles control how air is expelled, when singing.

Good Posture

Sitting or standing with good posture while singing allows the body to take in more air, while inhaling. There is more air to exhale while singing, giving your sound a powerful background. Singing while in poor posture limits air flow, so the singing voice is minimized.

Check Your Diet

Monitor your diet and the amount of fluid that you drink. This doesn’t seem like it should affect singing, but poor nutritional intake and lack of fluids disrupts vocal quality. Singing is a form of exercise: muscles of the body are used and breathing is regulated.

The body needs proper nutrition to maintain health while exercising, or it will not function as well.

When you deprive your body of good and healthy food, your singing voice is affected in a negative way.

Drinking fluids maintains adequate hydration for the purposes of exercise. While singing, the use of the mouth and soft palate can lead to dry tissues.

Drinking fluids keeps these tissues moist, preventing a dry or scratchy sounding singing voice.


After monitoring breathing, posture, and diet, it is time to begin singing. Practicing singing is an elementary idea, but it’s the obvious way to improve your singing voice.

You practice your shot in basketball or rehearse for a play, so why not practice to get better at singing?

Begin with vocal exercises, such as singing. Hold the note of a chord to increase the strength of your voice. Practice singing scales of notes up and down, going slowly at first and then increasing in speed.

A piano or guitar is helpful for this, to find the notes to sing. Practice listening to music, starting with basic and simple songs to perfect your technique.

Continue your singing with songs from the radio, progressing to those that are faster or have inflection. Practicing your singing technique is the most effective method of improving your singing voice.

Consult a Professional

When you feel you have practiced and improved some of your singing techniques on your own, consult a vocal coach or take singing lessons to improve even further.

Vocal coaches listen to your voice and monitor your breathing and posture to help you as you sing. A vocal coach or music instructor listens as an outside ear, since you are only used to hearing yourself sing.

Having another person listen who can hear or see mistakes helps you address problems you may be unaware of, because not everyone hears their singing the way it sounds to everyone else. Music teachers listen for pitch and help you modify your sound, if needed. They teach inflection, vibrato and other singing skills to further enhance your abilities.

Singing is something that many individuals enjoy, as music enhances peoples lives.

The ability to sing well is a gift for others to listen and appreciate. Anyone can improve their singing voice by practicing and putting proper techniques to use.

While not everyone can sing well enough to call himself or herself a professional vocalist, anyone can modify their methods to improve their singing voice.

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