
Running Tips for Beginners

You need to be super specific on what you are training for.

If you are looking to run 10 miles at a 6 minute per mile pace, you need to be training at that specific pace.

You cannot look to run slower than that, and hope to suddenly be able to speed up on that particular day. It doesn’t really work that way. It might be impractical to run the entire race, especially if you’re going for something incredibly long distance because it would require the runner to go through extensive recovery.

If you’re doing any sort of distance training, you should be running at the race pace in shorter and more effective segments with proper breaks in between.

The 10% rule is the next thing you should pay attention to.

Never try to jump from one point straight to your target speed and distance immediately, you’ll probably injure yourself. Increase it in 10% increments each time until you hit your target. This is recommended by experts as the best way to improve your running performance.

Always wait 2 hours after a meal to begin running.

If you don’t wait long enough, your food will not be properly digested, giving you abdominal cramps and even vomiting if you don’t properly digest. This is especially true if you had a high carbohydrate meal, something many people actually do quite often. Remember to give it a little bit of a break before you begin heavy exercise.

A good rule to start off with is the 10 minute rule. Going between walking and slow running is a fantastic way to prepare your body for exercise, slowly increasing blood flow and raising body temperature. Stretching and warming up will help you prevent injury.

he 2 day rule can be extremely useful for preventing injury. It’s useful to take time off every now and then to heal your body the proper way. Taking a couple of days off from running will have pretty much little impact on your fitness level. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking some time off – in fact it’s good for you to get your body back up to speed.

Do not over train!

This is especially true after a difficult race. The general rule of thumb is to rest a day for every mile you race. This is incredibly important, because your body tends to break down very quickly after such a gruelling practice. You don’t want to get injured or sick after your race. Stay home and replenish your body with lots of carbohydrates and water.

The conversation rule is the next helpful tip I have for you: you should be able to speak in complete and coherent sentences while running. This is important, you do not have to be out of breathe all of the time. A recent study has found that runners who were within their target aerobic zones will be able to recite a passage comfortably, and those who couldn’t were going much faster than optimal. There are exceptions however – you shouldn’t be able to speak easily during hard runs and long races.

For a few days before a tough race, you need to be emphasizing carbohydrates in your diet. Carbohydrates are body fuel and provide you with lots of energy. This is especially true if you are looking to run a marathon – you need to be carb loading a few days before the actual event as well. Remember that you should not be carbo-loading during regular training. This is just a way to get yourself really fat.

You should pay attention to is the sleep rule.

The general rule of thumb is to sleep an extra minute per night for every mile per week that you are training. Being in a state of permanently low sleep will have a negative impact on your training. The average person needs a long time to recover (and unsurprisingly so) so you need to increase that amount when you are actually training.

Recovery is important, and getting carbohydrates and protein back into your system shortly after a run can be critical to your success. You need an infusion to replace glycogen, and protein to repair and build up your muscle to where it was before your run!

Next, runners need to get the ‘I only need to run to get better’ mentality out of their heads. Runners who only run are prone to getting themselves injured. This isn’t great. Do some weight lifting and you will become a stronger and healthier runner? The surest way to run better is still to run though, so don’t get lazy.

Taking rest days in between hard training sessions is also critical. After the most exhausting long runs, your body breaks down and you shouldn’t be pushing yourself too hard. Take an easy day (or even a rest day and not train at all) to get better. I have taken full weeks off at the time and came back to the gym in a better mentality and ready to go than before.

If you have started running recently then you would surely like to learn about the facts that can help you develop a good schedule. Feeling weak on your legs or having a stiff leg could be the worst feeling that one can have. You need to treat the legs well and take care of the joints. You must start slowly and give proper rest to your legs before you start with longer runs. Before running you must make sure that you have not had a big meal. If you have eaten a lot and your stomach is full then you should take a proper break before you start running.

You should also make sure that your body stays hydrated while you head towards the park. A least 7 oz. Of water is necessary to keep the body hydrated. People who run more than 10 km. should keep a bottle of water and drink it while they pause in between. Getting warmed up and stretching properly is really important. Body stays flexible and you can run with ease if you go through a proper stretching session before running. If you are new and you have started recently then you might not be aware of these facts. But making a proper research is helpful and it reduces a lot of pain.

There are various rules that you must follow once you finish running. You must be aware of both before and after facts of your running session. Cooling down your body by properly stretching it is very important. Don’t forget to cool down your body and make sure that you don’t head towards your house with tight legs. Only proper stretching and cooling down helps in flushing down lactic acid to the bloodstream and then it is eliminated from the body.

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