
Year of the Rabbit – 2024 Horoscope

We are now looking at the fourth sign of the Chinese zodiac, the Rabbit. In Bazi, the Goat and rat years are generally favorable to the sign of the Rabbit. This is because these three signs together form the formation of Wood in Chinese astrology. The element of Wood is born in the sign of the rat, reaches its peak in the sign of the Rabbit and will rest in the sign of the Goat. The Earth Yin contained in this year brings another energy that also supports the sign of the Rabbit … Let’s see your horoscope in detail.

Keep in mind that this horoscope is based only on your birth year which is only a quarter of your Chinese astrological chart. Do you know that you can have one, two, three or even four Rabbit signs in your natal chart? Your complete theme is Bazi or the Four Pillars of Fate. This complete picture often gives a very different picture than that offered by your simple year of birth / Chinese sign, and thus tells another story. This form of Chinese astrology, Bazi, is my specialty. It provides you with your personal life card, to find your vocation, to know your timing and to evolve positively.


If you are born under the sign of the Rabbit, you can have a better love life this year. The last two years – the rooster in 2017 and the Dog in 2018 – have not been a breeze for the natives of the sign. The Year of the Rooster in particular hit your sign directly, when you did not quite control your destiny. During the year of the Dog in 2018, you were faced with another challenge: your own element of the Wood was transformed in part into an agitated fire. This may have resulted in a passionate relationship or, for the most part, difficult moments in your relationships. It all depends on the rest of your Bazi theme …

But rest assured, the Year of the rat is over on your side. The harmonious combination with the sign of the year means that you will naturally connect with more people. If you are still single, the opportunities to meet should be many. The men of the sign, however, have more luck: the year also brings your element of wealth, the Earth, which allows you to meet more easily and gives you a good chance to start a new relationship. The women of the sign can also meet, but could see their potential partners fight for their attention and will have to make a choice. Gays and lesbians are also helped by this year, and can meet with an appropriate partner.

For all rabbits, I recommend you do not put the cart before the horse, and take your time to choose because the year can bring you more than one potential partner. Finally, for those of you who are already in a relationship: you will find the connection with your partner, after two years who have tested your love and your partner. You should get the best of it, because the year 2024 of the Rat will bring another challenge in the form of a thankless punishment to your sign …

Work and Money

Although precise predictions must be made from your 4 pillars of destiny (= Bazi) rather than your only year of birth … But based on your only year of birth, I must say that it is announced good for your career in 2024. The association with the sign of the rat helps you progress in your work. Teamwork in particular is easy, and you are in an ideal position to be more influential. Added to this is that your Silver Element appears in the 2024 energy (in the form of the Earth), and it could be that some rabbits are promoted. At a minimum, you should get more responsibility and recognition in your career. This is good news after a year of the Rooster where you had very little power over your career, and a year of the Dog that put your resolve to the test in the same direction …

There are however two risks during this year. The first is that this year the Yin Earth rat brings your element of indirect wealth rather than direct. For some of you, Rabbits, this will mean that the financial results will not be in the form of a salary increase. It could be in the form of a bonus at the end of the year, or easier work, but for the same salary. In other words: for some rabbits, seeing your element of indirect wealth does not mean earning more money each month …

If in addition you have several Rooster signs in your Bazi, some of your efforts may not pay off, as there may be sabotage in the air. The other challenge is that the rat also brings competition to your sign, Rabbit. Although most of you should see some form of advancement in your career, others might find the mood getting heavy or tedious with your colleagues or boss. If you show too much ambition or aggression, you will be reminded that the others also have their own ambitions and plans. This can be a challenge for freelancers or newcomers to a job, who may have to struggle to find a place in the sun despite the support of the Year of the rat. Those of you who have a goat sign in their Bazi will be better off. Analyzing your 4 Pillars in full will give you very precise tools to navigate each month …


All in all, this year’s Yin rat is on your side. It is especially useful if you want to expand your social circle. While the last two years have put you on the grill, with the feeling of being observed and judged in everything you do, it supports you and helps you find your way. It’s a good time to get out of your comfort zone, try new things and get more knowledge. As mentioned in the paragraph on love, you could also find yourself with a new partner … And this rarely happens to those who stay at home and watch Netflix every night! The advice is also to remove any feeling of competition in your relationships, as stated in the paragraph relating to work. If you feel that some people want to shine in your place, let it go … It’s your sense of humor, your good nature and your propensity to avoid conflicts that will attract you to the same level of energy.

I have already published an article (in English) to show how some celebrities with rabbits in their Bazi have been deeply affected by the conflict with the Year of the Rooster. Harry Weinstein, Louis C.K, Kevin Spacey … Sex scandals abound for celebrities who rely on rabbit energy in 2017 and 2018. You can find it here. Let’s face it, these two years have not been good for your reputation, Rabbit. The storm is now over and your point of view much more appreciated. However, I recommend that you draw lessons from the difficult situations that some of you have experienced during the years of the Rooster and the Dog. This has shown you that having your inner garden is preferable rather than imposing your wishes. Most rabbits have a fertile imagination and have learned that not all truths are good. The real lesson is that you transcend the strong energy of your basic chakra and elevate it, like Kundalini, to be less hedonistic and more artistic. Fortunately, during the Year of the rat, you will meet new people who can help you do it. Express your sincere intention to progress to the Universe and you will be rewarded later …

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